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Leigh Barron

Leigh Barron grew up in the very small homeschool world here in East Tennessee and was one of the first five homeschool graduating seniors in Knoxville in 1991. She pursued her Associates degree at Roane State and transferred to Tennessee Tech in Cookeville to finish her Bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education with a minor in Chemistry. She completed her Master’s degree in Curriculum and Instruction as well as her MBA. Her Curriculum and Instruction thesis was focused on compiling a science curriculum incorporating all elements of biology, physics, chemistry and astronomy. Additionally, she worked for three summers at X-10 in Oak Ridge in an organic chemistry lab as a summer intern for a research scientist. Her teaching experience included teaching 4th grade at Kingston Elementary followed by 6th and 7th grade Life Science and math at Christian Academy of Knoxville prior to getting married, having four children and beginning their own homeschool journey with a combination of traditional and classical approaches. Their oldest Abbi is a senior at UT, Cliff is a freshman at Lee University, Zach is a Junior in high school completing dual enrollment at Roane State and Molli is a freshman in high school. Outside of school, Leigh enjoys helping support the rowing team in Oak Ridge where her children row. She has always had a heart for teaching and one day hoped to be able to teach high school chemistry. After the classroom experience in elementary and middle school, public and private, and 17 years of homeschooling, it looks like the door has opened to jump back into the chemistry world again. She looks forward to joining the Masters Monday family this year!

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